
A Little Life Update... And Cake!


As you may have noticed I have been a little MIA recently on the blogging front, but I am hoping to get myself organised and be more present on the blog.  So I thought I'd do a little update post and let you all in on what has been taking up my time when I'm not blogging.

If you follow my blog regularly then it will be no secret that one of my big passions besides fashion is cake, not just eating them but baking them too.  I have always loved to bake and it is something I have began to enjoy more and more, especially over the last couple of years.  There is just something about it that I find so therapeutic and get so much pleasure out of seeing the finished product and seeing my ideas come to life.  Here are just a few that I have done recently...

Now I know that I've shared some of my baking and a few recipes on here before but my plan now is to set up a new blog or website where I can share my cakes, tips and recipes and keep it separate rather than share them on here so that this blog can keep it's main focus of fashion and beauty.  I would also like to stress that I am not going to stop fashion blogging at all, it is still something I enjoy and I love the blogging community.  It has just taken a bit of a knock whilst I have been figuring things out but I hope to be more organised and back on track soon.  I am currently working on ideas and would love to hear your thoughts... what should I call my new venture?  Also if any of you know any good graphic designers to help design my logo, preferably free or not too expensive that would be great.

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  1. Omg these cakes look amazing! You are so talented. xx


  2. Love the Chanel cake. You have done a great job. xx


  3. Wowww... Those cakes look so delicious: LOVE it!!! And you have a great blog as well dear: FOLLOW you right now!!! Hope you like/follow my blog too!!! I'll be waiting for you!!!

    *Keep in touch ;)
    ABSOkisses!!! Fanny J. ABSOmarilyn

    Google+ | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin'

  4. These are actually stunning! How do you do this in cake? I am impressed because I have a habit of eating raw icing but also wow, the art and precision in these are so beautiful. You are very talented.

    Em xxx

  5. You are so talented! The Chanel cake is gorgeous!

    Heidi D.

  6. You are so talented!! I with I can bake and decorate cakes as good as you!! Soooo good!

  7. These cakes are amazing!! I'm seriously impressed.

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  8. Wow. Those cakes are absolutely amazing!

    Made in Mauve

  9. WOOOOWWW! I think Ive never seen someting similar!

  10. Yumm!!! looks delicious! Everytime I bake something, I always do something wrong and end up in a mess :( I just followed you on GFC, follow back?

    I would appreciate it if you were able to check out one of my latest posts?


    Chione XX

  11. you should post about everything you like, don't worry, we'll love it :) and you'll engage new readers!
    those cakes are awesome wow!

  12. Holy crap Sadie!! You are so freaking talented, can you please make me a cake for my birthday?? I love to cook so I know exactly what you mean about baking being therapeutic. Few years a go I made a cool football-shaped cake for my husband with the green field, the team logo and all that. It was so fun, but also took soo much freaking work and it didn't look nearly as good as your cakes do haha :) You definitely inspired me to get more into baking I mean look at those cakes!! Just think how impressed everyone would be if I brought a cake like that to a family dinner haha ;D

    Please, please do create a separate blog about baking, I'd love to learn some tips and tricks from you and I'm sure that it would be very, very successful! You really have a true talent and you must share it with everyone! :D Coming up with a name will probably be a bit difficult, I can't think of anything really other than simple "Baking with Sadie" or "Sadie's Sweet Corner/Kitchen" or something like that (which you probably will think sounds cheesy haha) Whatever you come up with, I'm sure it will be fabulous, I can't wait! So exciting!!

    My beauty and lifestyle blog

  13. Holy wowwwww! You are super talented!! My best friend is just like you, loves baking cake and is super creative too!! This is amazing! Keep it up!! Also thanks for popping by and comment on my blog, always returning the support <3

    Style Blog: http://thefacelessstyle.blogspot.com

  14. Sadie you are SO talented!! These cakes are absolutely amazing, people would actually pay a fortune for these. You should be so proud of yourself, I wouldn't even want to cut into them because they're like works of art. Good luck with your new venture, I'm useless at baking but I still love reading posts about it so I'm looking forward to it! x

    Josie’s Journal

  15. WOW! There are no words for how talented you are! Serious skill!

    Style Sunrise☀


  16. those are amazing cakes!! love the chanel one!! :D

    Animated Confessions

  17. Wow - I'm totally impressed by your cake making skills!!

    Have a great day,

  18. You are super talented girl. I find baking therapeutic but only when things go right bahahaha, when they don't (which does happen on occasion) it's pretty stressful! Have you perhaps considered combining your love of baking with this blog? I know you said you wanted to keep it focused on fashion and beauty but there's nothing that says you can't add food into the mix. I do it on my own, it just might make things a little easier for you rather than juggling between two blogs! Plus you've got an audience here already than you can expand even further with new topics. It's just a thought though, good luck with whatever you decide.


  19. Love these cakes! You are an amazing cake designer :)



  20. Wow - this is so nice!!! Gorgeous colours and so pretty! :)

    Layla xx



Thank you for your lovely comments :)

I read every single one and will always try to reply x
