
The Trench


Coat - H&M
Top - New Look
Shoes - Primark
Bag - H&M

For me the trench coat is the perfect coat for the transition from summer to autumn, where it's not quite warm enough to go out without a coat but not cold enough for a big winter coat.  This trench from H&M is the perfect coat to keep off that autumn chill without turning you into a sweaty mess when you have to walk for more than ten minutes.  Its so nice and lightweight and I like the slightly oversized relaxed look compared to more fitted trench coats.  I also love the material, it has a soft silky feel to it, the only problem is that it creases so easily.  I also can't wait to start layering this over polo necks or wearing it with a nice big blanket scarf when it gets cooler.

What do you think of trench coats?  What's your favourite piece for transitioning from summer to autumn?

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  1. Such a pretty look Sadie, your new hair suits you so well! Love your coat! ;)

    Thirteen Thoughts

  2. I love this Sadie, you look so chic! And you've inspired me to dig out my trench coat again, been ages since I wore it x

    Josie | Sick Chick Chic

  3. I love your trench coat! It's classic and beautiful :)

  4. I'm literally obsessed with trench coat. Great look!

  5. Gorgeous outfit
    The trench coat is such a timeless piece ,yours is lovely


  6. I do love a good trench coat - such a classic piece for one's wardrobe!


  7. you look amazing! gorgeous autumnal outfit. i absolutely LOVE that trench coat!!

    Hannah x hannatalks

  8. Loving the easy neutrals here, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. I really love your new hair style - and your chic outfit! The trench ia perfect :)
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    That would be soooo nice! Have a wonderful day and a nice rest of the weekend!

  10. Truly gorgeous Sadie! Loving how slickly put together this look is; so oh so stylishly flawless and on point for the new season. And your new hair is BEAUT! The colour, style and shade is perfect for the Autumnal months ahead. Total hair envy over here! ;) The trench is a real treasure, such a pretty piece as are your scarf, shoes, watch... everything! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  11. Hun - you look gorgeous! How are you getting on with your new hair, it's gorgeous and the shade is so beautiful on you too! I've been thinking about a change but as it's curly I'm still not too sure! :)

    Love the coat too - I mean, this weather….we'll be wrapped up in scarves in no time!

    Layla xx


  12. You look lovely! Gorgeous trench and bag xx
    Louise | helloteddy.co.uk


Thank you for your lovely comments :)

I read every single one and will always try to reply x
