I know these Model's Own scented polishes have been around for a while now and I've never really been sucked in by the hype around them before. Maybe because I'm a bit skeptical, but I just don't see how you can get rid of that potent nail polish scent. Anyhow, as mint green is one of my favourite pastel shades I thought I'd give this one a try as it looked quite a nice shade compared to others I already own, not too pale like Essie's Mint Candy Apple and not too green like Barry M's Mint Green.
Upon first opening the bottle I got the usual whiff of nail polish but after applying the first coat I started to notice a different scent. I can't say I love it but it's not altogether unpleasant, just a bit more soapy than I was expecting. With a name like Apple Pie I think I was just expecting a more fruity smell and to me it smells more like soap with a hint of apple. The scent is not overpowering at all and only really lingers for a couple of hours, but I suppose it is better to have a lingering smell of soapy apples on your fingers than the lovely stench of nail polish. But like all other Model's Own nail polishes it applies nicely and easily, although I did notice that it did seem to take a little longer to dry than the normal Model's Own polishes. Whether this is an effect of the ingredients used to create the scent I do not know, but even after almost 20 minutes if I touched it I was left with a slight fingerprint imprinted into it. As I love the shade this is really it's only serious downfall, as I am the kind of person who likes to paint and go.
Have you tried any scented nail polishes before? I'm really tempted by the new Revlon Parfumerie collection, they look lovely.