
She's Just A Cosmic Girl From Another Galaxy


Just a quick post whilst Riley takes a nap.  I took him for a little playdate with my friends puppy Molly.  They were adorable together, and even though Molly is only a third of the size of Riley she can certainly hold her ground.

After watching several tutorials lately I thought I'd have a go at Galaxy Nails.  It was easier than I thought and will probably be a bit more daring next time I do it.  All in all I was pleased with my first attempt.

I also took a quick picture of a couple of new pieces of jewellery I got recently which I'm loving at the minute.

I got this hand harness from Sophie's shop Little Me.  I love the fact that I had to send her my wrist measurement so it fits perfectly.  They aren't available anymore but she does have some lovely collars for sale at the moment.  I've got my eye on the dalmation fur collar.

This ring barely leaves my finger at the moment.  My friend who went travelling bought me it from Bali.  It's handmade and I love the pattern on it, it's so beautiful.

Thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post, I'm not 100% decided yet but I will let you know when I am.

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  1. Your puppy is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Love the hand harness too x

  2. Thanks for dropping by my blog. ♥

    I love the idea of pet play dates, it's been a while since I brought my kitty out for one since she is such a nervous nelly! ;)

    The Cat Hag

  3. LOVE the hand harness so so much x

  4. i love your galaxy nails! i'm going to have to have a go at it myself sometime soon:)

  5. Nice post! Both the dogs are so cute! Absolutely love the hand harness too :)

  6. love the last one ring, I like your style!
    Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

    enter the ZELEB giveaway on my blog!!
    Cosa mi metto???

  7. Your puppy is so cute! I'd love a fluffy one that looks a bit wolf-like. Jelous. I love the bracelet/ring that's so cool x

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  9. your nails look amazing for a first attempt! Mine didn't work out quite so well haha :) your puppy is adorable! so so cute xo

  10. nice! x

    p.s. I'm having a crystal cuff giveaway if you'd like to check it out.

  11. the dogs are adorable! Love your rings! :)

  12. your pups are too cute, and I love your polish!

    Fashion Translated

  13. Oh, your puppy is unbelievably cute! And that hand harness is so great!


  14. riley is adorbs!!

    & man, you should've seen my galaxy nails. it looked like my son drew it on for me. hahaha. but try to add some stars (white dots) next time. :) my friend, caleelovesnail.tumblr.com does amazing ones.

    cindy - design3rd

  15. Beautiful dogs! Nice header! :)


  16. Ahh cute doggies!
    I love hand harnesses, i wore a sparkly one for my wedding. It was from an asian jewellery shop, they have amazing designs.

    Holli x

  17. awhhhhh your dogs are so cute! I love your nails too, great ides <3


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I read every single one and will always try to reply x
